First Dog On The Moon
August 2015
Joe Hockey’s budget emergency, brought to you by playdough and an old shoe box
August 24, 2015
Lawyer up! Greenies are here to vigilante your coal mine into oblivion!
August 19, 2015
Settle down, backbenchers! You all know polls are just numbers, right?
August 17, 2015
You’re invited to our nefarious party fundraiser. Dress code: optional raccoon
August 14, 2015
A plebiscite on issues including same-sex marriage, tax reform, jeggings
August 12, 2015
Come on Australia, it’s time to save the Cassowary (even though it hates you)
August 10, 2015
Ian the Climate Denialist Potato’s inquiry into the wind turbine inquiry
August 8, 2015
A presentation on Bronwyn Bishop’s legacy from Fiona the Unemployed Bettong
August 3, 2015
July 2015
Australia, please join me in the kitchen. It’s time for an intervention
July 31, 2015
Why do you boo Adam Goodes? Is it because …
July 29, 2015
We had this weird sense of deja vu when we heard Labor’s asylum policy
July 27, 2015
Trouble providing healthcare to asylum seekers? Get the excuse bag!
July 23, 2015
The racist carrot returns to Reclaim Australia, and he’s had a gutful
July 20, 2015
The sniff test: an ode to Madam Speaker
July 17, 2015
What will I cartoon about if I can’t cartoon about Tony government outrage?
July 15, 2015
And now, a statement on groceries from the prime minister
July 13, 2015
Bill Shorten at #Turc: can I please have a straw?
July 8, 2015
#Q&A, day 143. Live from hell
July 6, 2015
Tanks in the streets! Martial law! What has #qanda done!?
July 3, 2015
Kids love ’em. Mums choose ’em! Delicious Onthemoon® brand lollies
July 1, 2015
June 2015
Keep Australia safe, by having your citizenship checked regularly
June 29, 2015
Go home Labor, you’re drunk. And basically evil
June 27, 2015
We got some bad news today
June 24, 2015
Week in review: monstrous incompetence is the new black
June 19, 2015
Science is back! To help educate quolls about cane toads. With sausages
June 17, 2015
Pay the boats: a cartoon about nothing at all
June 15, 2015
Dr Onthemoon’s self diagnosis windfarm syndrome check list!
June 12, 2015
Want a job that pays good money? Join the immigration department!
June 10, 2015
The leaks! The lies! The whole nation is doing its nut!
June 5, 2015
Gather around young and old. It’s time for Australia’s favourite holiday
June 4, 2015
Thanks a lot, racists. Now I can’t boo Adam Goodes
June 2, 2015
May 2015
The reasoned, considered arguments against same-sex marriage
May 29, 2015
First Dog on budget 2015: how to forget how bad last year’s one was
May 12, 2015
Christine Milne has resigned the Greens leadership. Oh, the humanity!
May 6, 2015
Memes and listicles for all: the 2015 budget is going viral
May 4, 2015
It’s always too soon to be exhausted by cruelty
May 1, 2015
April 2015
They sang Amazing Grace
April 29, 2015
Un-Australian crimes against patriotism, feat. the Anzacs
April 27, 2015
Rescue dogs fostered by First Dog on the Moon: a short history
April 24, 2015
Finish this sentence: I suppose we must grieve for the lost, but …
April 22, 2015
No cranks allowed at Abbott’s climate consensus centre
April 20, 2015
Why live in the Nauru Tropical Containment Centre when you could live in Cambodia!
April 17, 2015
Greg Hunt’s bargain carbon auction
April 15, 2015
This week’s hot picks in definitely not pirated television and film
April 13, 2015
You’re an Ibis? You want to work on Nauru? Where do you see yourself in five years?
April 9, 2015
A racist carrot reclaims Australia
April 7, 2015
Won’t somebody think of the swift parrots?
April 1, 2015
March 2015
You can only budget for one: save a stick insect, or fire a minister into the sun
March 30, 2015
NSW election: an exclusive look inside First Dog’s exclusive look at democracy
March 27, 2015
NSW election: this state is full of wasps and weird birds and why won’t they leave me alone?
March 25, 2015
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